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The Hydrogen Generator Water Bottle

The Hydrogen Generator Water Bottle

Regular price $59.10 USD
Regular price Sale price $59.10 USD
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Now you can make hydrogen-rich, healthier water anywhere you are over and over again with your very own rechargeable, reusable, smart hydrogen generator water bottle!

Features & Benefits

• Helps decrease inflammation

• Boost your antioxidants

• Increases natural energy (ATP)

• Reduces oxidative stress ORP -475 mV

• 14 ounce capacity (414 ml)

• Generate 800-1600 PPB H2 in 3 minutes



Hydrogen-rich Ionized water is known to provide more energy, increase antioxidant levels, reduce inflammation, and so much more!

Our borosilicate glass hydrogen generator water bottle with SPE PEM technology provides high-quality water at a fraction of the price anywhere else.

The Hydrosoul Bottles increases the molecular hydrogen levels of regular drinking water; in other words, it generates pure hydrogen-rich water. 

Molecular hydrogen is known to provide more energy, deliver powerful antioxidants, and reduce muscle fatigue and inflammation from exercise,
 which is why it is becoming more popular among athletes and those with chronic illnesses.


Increased Energy

Make hydrogen water your new go-to beverage instead of coffee! In addition to promoting natural energy production (ATP), it helps protect cells from oxidative stress, which lowers energy levels.

Improve Cognitive Function

Hydrogen water has been proven to improve mental clarity, prevent cognitive illness, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, boost mental focus and clarity, and help with mental illnesses.

Reduces Stress & Anxiety

Hydrogen-infused water improves lipid and glucose content reduces body inflammation that further reduces oxidative stress and anxiety and further works as a shield to the peripheral nervous system.




With the press of the button, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen

gas through an electrolysis process. This hydrogen gas infuses the water creating antioxidant (energy-giving) water with maximum bioavailability.

Using advanced Solid Polymer Electrolytic (SPE) and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology, the infusion of pure H2 delivers high-concentration hydrogen.

H2 is also called molecular hydrogen. It consists of two protons and two electrons. Consequently, it is the most common form of Hydrogen because it is stable with a neutral charge.



Frequently asked questions

 How long does the hydrogen water last?

  • We typically see 15-20 minutes when left in the bottle. Hydrogen is light and will evaporate over time, not to worry. You can re-activate your bottle at any time to re-ionize your water. If you want to store the hydrogen-rich water for longer periods, please use a sealed stainless steel container, and keep it in your refrigerator.

Are there any filters to replace?

  • Nope! Our bottles do not require any replacement parts or filters. We recommend that you clean your bottle once or twice a month at a minimum to maintain optimal performance levels.

How do I clean my bottle?

  • Clean with a non-abrasive soap like normal, and to descale pour 1/4 cup of white vinegar into your bottle, covering the titanium plates (located on the center of the base) so that the plates are now fully submerged. Let it sit for 30-60 minutes, then rinse until clean. Do this 3-5x per month for the optimal results from your Hydrogen water bottle.

Are there really benefits to drinking hydrogen water?

What's comes with my purchase?

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Does Your Water Bottle Offer This?

Increased Antioxidants Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a potent selective antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), and prevent them from causing damage to cells and tissue.

Improved Gut Health Hydrogen gas filled water has been shown to decrease the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are molecules that contribute to inflammation of the body.

Hydration Unleashed: Fuel Your Inner Dynamo!

Little did you know that 75% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration, often drinking only 2.5 cups of water a day? Beyond thirst, this leads to fatique, headaches, and lack of focus.

Proper hydration isn't just about quenching thirst; it's vital for energy, mental clarity, and overall health.

Drinking hydrogen water will hydrate you faster and cause you to have more clarity and feel better throughout your day.