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The Hydrogen Generator Water Jug!

The Hydrogen Generator Water Jug!

Regular price $127.64 USD
Regular price $170.00 USD Sale price $127.64 USD
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Introducing our Hydrosoul hydrogen water jug! It is a type of water container equipped with a built-in system for producing hydrogen-infused water. These jugs typically use a process called electrolysis to generate molecular hydrogen (H2) and infuse it into the water, creating hydrogen-rich water.

Here are some key features and benefits of hydrogen water jugs:

• Helps decrease inflammation

• Improves gut health

• Reduces oxidative stress -650 mV ORP

• Support healthy aging and cognitive function

• Built with toxin free Tritan®

• 50 ounce capacity 5.5 x 10inches

• Generates 1400-2400 PPB H2 in 3 minutes

1)Hydrogen-Rich Water Production: The primary function of a hydrogen water jug is to produce water infused with molecular hydrogen. Hydrogen-rich water is believed by some to have antioxidant properties and potential health benefits, including reduced oxidative stress, improved hydration, and enhanced athletic performance.

2)Electrolysis Technology: Hydrogen water jugs often use electrolysis to generate hydrogen gas from the water. Electrolysis involves passing an electric current through the water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen gases. The hydrogen gas is then dissolved into the water, creating hydrogen-rich water.

3)Convenience: Hydrogen water jugs offer a convenient way to access hydrogen-rich water at home or on the go. Users can simply fill the jug with water, activate the electrolysis process, and wait for the water to become infused with hydrogen. These jugs also feature a self-cleaning function to maintain hygiene and freshness.

4)Portability: Many hydrogen water jugs are designed to be portable, making them suitable for use, including the home, office, gym, or while traveling. Some models feature a compact and lightweight design, while others come with a handle or strap for easy carrying.

5)Increased Natural Energy: Hydrogen-rich water can help support mitochondrial function by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, leading to better natural ATP energy production.

6)Environmental Impact: By providing a reusable alternative to single-use plastic water bottles, hydrogen water jugs can help reduce plastic waste and minimize the environmental impact of bottled water consumption.

7)Potential Health Benefits: While research on the health benefits of hydrogen-rich water is ongoing, some studies suggest that hydrogen can have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Drinking hydrogen-rich water can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and reduce oxidative stress, which is associated with various health conditions.






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Does Your Water Bottle Offer This?

Increased Antioxidants Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a potent selective antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), and prevent them from causing damage to cells and tissue.

Improved Gut Health Hydrogen gas filled water has been shown to decrease the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are molecules that contribute to inflammation of the body.

Hydration Unleashed: Fuel Your Inner Dynamo!

Little did you know that 75% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration, often drinking only 2.5 cups of water a day? Beyond thirst, this leads to fatique, headaches, and lack of focus.

Proper hydration isn't just about quenching thirst; it's vital for energy, mental clarity, and overall health.

Drinking hydrogen water will hydrate you faster and cause you to have more clarity and feel better throughout your day.